UPDATE: 12/26/24 Flip it and Reverse It. Fifth Circuit Vacates 12/23 Stay Decision - Injunction of CTA Back in Place
Preliminary Injunction Issued to prevent the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act, including Beneficial Ownership Information reporting to the Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network.
The Supreme Court Addresses Scienter Under The False Claims Act
The Supreme Court found that liability under the False Claims Act (FCA) turns on the subjective belief of the defendant at the time the claim is submitted and not the objective reasonableness of the defendant’s actions.
The Supremes Weigh In on Fair Use
The saying goes that all art is derivative. Warhol v Goldsmith may factor into copyright evaluations of infringement vs fair use for many years to come.
Who Will Own The Future? Intellectual Property in The Time of AI
In a world of work product generated by artificial intelligence (AI) or containing elements generated by AI, who can claim ownership of that work product?
The Value of an Outside General Counsel for Your Business
There are many reasons a business hires outside general counsel.