The Value of an Outside General Counsel for Your Business
Outside General Counsel
Engage a trusted advisor without the required overhead of a full-time employee.
There are many reasons why a business would benefit by engaging outside general counsel services. Here are a few of the key reasons and benefits:
Knowledge: An outside general counsel can provide their gained knowledge and analysis on a wide range of legal issues that are relevant to your business. This can include subjects like contracts, employment law, intellectual property, and industry focused legal and regulatory compliance (like HIPAA, Stark Law, Antikickback Statute, etc). By engaging outside general counsel services, you can access this expertise without having to hire a full-time in-house lawyer.
Flexibility: Outside general counsel services can be flexible to meet your specific needs. You can engage them on an as-needed basis, rather than having to commit to a full-time in-house lawyer. This can be especially useful if you have a small business or if your legal needs fluctuate over time. Church Legal offers both hourly and monthly fixed fee models to best meet client needs.
Cost Savings: Engaging outside general counsel services can often be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house lawyer. Because you're only paying for the specific legal services you need, you can avoid the costs associated with hiring a full-time in-house lawyer, such as salary, benefits, and office space.
Objectivity: An outside general counsel can provide an objective perspective on legal issues that arise within your business. Because they're not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of your business, they can offer unbiased advice and recommendations. This can be especially helpful when dealing with complex or sensitive legal matters.
Subject Matter Support: If you have an in-house lawyer or existing corporate counsel, Church Legal can provide subject matter support (e.g. Intellectual Property, Healthcare Regulation and Compliance) to your business and/or your existing counsel on issues that are relevant to your business, without requiring that you engage a full-time attorney to provide that specific subject matter support. This support can be ongoing or project based and may take the form of a referral or consultation/team-based representation, our structure provides the ultimate flexibility to meet the needs of your business and your legal counsel.
Engaging outside general counsel services can provide expertise, flexibility, cost savings, and objectivity for your business. These benefits can help your business to navigate the complex legal landscape and make informed decisions about legal issues that arise from time to time in any business of any size.